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3 Signs Your Tree Is Diseased or Dying

May 14, 2024

Trees have been around for eons, but even they can get sick or die. For example, according to the Invasive Species Center, there's a vascular disease called oak wilt that can kill an oak tree within a year after infecting it. Diseased or dying trees can show certain signs. Here are three signs that your trees may be dying and that it's time to call for a tree care company.

1. Dead Wood and Branches

If you notice that the wood on your trees is dry and crumbly, then that means that something is going on with the tree. If branches are prone to snapping off, that's a problem in more ways than one. Falling branches can severely hurt someone or damage property. You should have someone from a tree care company come take a look as soon as possible.

2. Blotches on Leaves

Most of the time, tree leaves are a uniform color. If there are a lot of blotches or discoloration on them, then that could indicate that your tree is diseased and may need some extra care or trimming. You should have a tree expert come take a look at it to make sure.

3. Issues With the Roots

Roots help anchor trees to the ground. If there are issues with the roots, and they are weakened, then that could be a disaster waiting to happen. Trees with weakened roots can topple, and depending on the direction it falls, you could wind up with serious property damage. You may even see damage to any vehicles that are in the trajectory of the fall. If you suspect root issues, don't hesitate to contact tree experts.

There are a lot of other signs to be on the lookout for, including a lack of foliage at times when it should have plenty of leaves, though having a lot of leaves doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy, as well as cankers on the tree. The best thing you can do is have a tree expert come take a look, then you can make the next decision to either treat or remove the tree.

Do you live in Missouri and think that you need a tree care company? We are an ISA-certified arborist, and we can help you with tree healthcare. Contact us today at Eden Tree Service so that one of our expert climbers can come to see what is going on and get your tree back in good shape or remove it if it's dead.

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